Why I love the Nia Blue Belt

FullSizeRender 2Why I love the Nia Blue Belt by Casey

I was introduced to Nia in 1988 by Dani Riposo in Syracuse, NY. She had just returned from the IDEA Fitness convention where Debbie and Carlos, for the first time, presented Nia. In that first Nia class, like so many dedicated Nia students, teachers and trainers, I knew I wanted to dance Nia for LIFE! With many life changes and the establishing of the Nia training program itself, it took me until 1991 until I obtained my first Nia White Belt. After it I couldn’t wait to do my next Nia belt level! I was so eager to deepen my Nia practice, I was always so really for more! When is it a good time to move to the next Nia Belt level?  It is recommended when the previous belt level’s principles are embodied. However there are many things that influence the decision to take another Nia Belt level.

What I really love about the Practices of Nia is that it is so simple and yet so very profound at the same time. “Simple” in that all I have to remember is “I choose JOY!” from the first principle of the Nia White Belt. And yet it is so very “profound” to actually live this choice via sensation of my body, moment to moment.  The Nia Blue Belt not only asks me to be choose JOY but to now be in relationship WITH the JOY. The “doing” of the Nia White Belt now becomes a deeper experience by being in “relationship with” it and everything! It is so brilliant that Nia becomes the playground or metaphor to look at myself, look at all my relationships and my life, while deepening the clarity of my communication. In the Nia Blue Belt, I learned to sharpen my skills of communicating as the exchange of energy. And not only that, but I can now move forward and actually make choices to “craft” this energy.  It is then nourished by deepening my personal relationship with the Realms of the body. Up until my first Nia Blue Belt, I had no idea what the realms of the body were, let alone be in relationship with them, as a way to deepen my life and my Nia teaching experience!

The Nia Blue Belt is an awesome experience to delve deeper into the personal and professional practice of creating more intimacy by paying attention to details, refining communication by experiencing the exchange of energy and by developing an even greater pleasure of being in relationships.  It’s worth the investment and the benefits are priceless! HERE and NOW is your opportunity!!

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